I Am Tremaine. But You Can Call Me “trE.”

The “About Me” Post

Tre L. Loadholt
7 min readDec 24, 2021
Chilling in Anchorage, Alaska in one of my favorite shirts, at Zainey’s (Alexainie) spot. July 2019. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt

*Updated January 09, 2022

Iam an open book with a tired spine — is what I typically say nowadays. No, but really . . . If you ever truly want to know something about me, simply ask. If I feel comfortable enough to disclose it, I will. If I don’t . . . well, I won’t. But I said to myself — maybe it is time to share just a little bit more about me and pin that baby to my profile, so new readers (or perhaps older followers and readers too) can get a brief synopsis of who I am and what I share here on Medium. In all honesty, it’s probably past time, but you know . . . “better late than never” and some such. So, here goes nothing.

I logged onto Medium and began lurking in April of 2014 after Tracy Holmes (one of my dearest, closest, and oldest friends) mentioned the platform to me. I perused what was, at that time, a sleek and simple representation of a writing platform with plenty of interesting content to read. I spent the better part of over a year lurking, highlighting articles, green-hearting them (back then, there were hearts instead of hands that clap, and when you clicked on them to show your “love” for that particular piece of writing, the heart turned green), and responding until I felt comfortable enough to begin sharing my own work sporadically in November of 2015.



Tre L. Loadholt

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •https://acorneredgurl.com