Light It Up (Day 6)
Light Up Medium! Light Up The World!
NC: Thursday, September 29, 2016: One candle is lit; I need only one, it controls my peace and guides me into reflection. I manifest light. I become light. I will forever be light.
The hands you see before you are those of my Ex.
I explained to him what we are doing and why. We talked about our country’s current state and the senseless violence that takes place throughout the world. Wounded hearts are having a hard time healing. As soon as we start to mend just a little, we are struck down once again. Once he had the information regarding LUMLUTW, I asked him one question:
What would you like to see happen?
“Change. Major. Change.”
BLACK MAN OF FEW WORDS. Nearly 40. Wanting only one thing…
I want the same.
I asked him for his permission to take a photo of him holding a lit candle and although he was nervous, he granted me that. I did not have to tell him to continue to be Light, he does not know how to be anything else.
Light Up Medium!
Light Up The World!
I affirm that I am light. Whenever there is darkness, I will shine.
I have no other choice. There is no other choice.