Writers: A Challenge

Naturally Weird “In Five Words”

Tre L. Loadholt
1 min readAug 22, 2021
Mushrooms. Photo Credit: Tremaine L. Loadholt

What you see before you are mushrooms growing in several different spots here in my apartment complex. We’ve had far too much rain recently and the ground opened up and spouted Earth’s funky looking fungus, so . . . I took a couple of photos.

I am not a lover of mushrooms, not even the edible kind. I don’t care for the texture or how they feel when chewed. Ick! I’ve always found them naturally weird. So, that’s the challenge. Tell me about something you think is “naturally weird” but using only five words.

Here’s mine:

mushroom invasion
perfect funky

What about you, writers? Can you handle this challenge? Be creative. Flaunt those skills. Tell me all about what you think is naturally weird but use just five words. Let’s do this, beautiful people!

Feel like dancing? I do too. OutKast, Morris Brown


*There will be two more five-word challenges for the next two Sundays and then I’ll think of something to kick off the beginning of next year.



Tre L. Loadholt
Tre L. Loadholt

Written by Tre L. Loadholt

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •https://acorneredgurl.com

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