Writers: A Challenge

Love, oh Love in “Five Words”

Tre L. Loadholt
2 min readAug 29, 2021
Photo by Asheesh via Redshot

The song you will have a chance to listen to below is the reason we have this particular challenge today, beautiful people. Every time I hear this song, my heart gets incredibly happy. I can’t help but smile and The Flamingos’ version is my favorite. I was sitting in my breakfast nook and the song tapped at my head and I had to pull up YouTube and give it about two to three listens. It never gets old. NEVER.

It’s truly a classic that makes me think about love and how powerful love can be when you’ve found the one with whom you truly “only have eyes for”. It settles into my spirit, reminds me of the great times during love, and gives me hope that it does exist and can exist again for me.

So, the challenge? Tell me about what love means to you or how you show love to others or what you love most about love, but do so using five words only.

Here’s mine:

Unburdened love
sweep me

Okay, writers. Please bring it! This is your challenge. What does love mean to you or how do you show love to others or what do you love most about love? Tell me using five words only. And have fun!

Sway with me . . . The Flamingos, I Only Have Eyes for You




Tre L. Loadholt

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •https://acorneredgurl.com